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Sea tornado at Jadran Dalmatia

Obrázek autora: PineTreePineTree

Sea Tornado

Who among you has seen "marine waterspouts"?

Today, in Dalmatia, you could observe two at once...

A sea tornado, also known as a waterspout, is a powerful vortex that forms over bodies of water, most commonly over seas or large lakes.

Mořské tornádo
Sea tornado

It looks like a dark whirlwind connecting the water surface with the sky, similar to a land tornado. It forms under specific conditions when warm moist air rises above the water and starts rotating when it encounters cooler air. This phenomenon is not very common and looks quite terrifying. After all, we are all familiar with such scenes from disaster movies.

This morning, two sea tornadoes were reported in Dalmatia. According to witnesses, they

Sea tornado called morska pijavice
Sea tornado called morska pijavice

were 20 to 40 meters high. Supposedly, waterspouts in open waters are not as dangerous as

those on land. According to witnesses, the tornadoes were short-lived, lasting about half a minute. However, authorities are urging caution.

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Windy app weather
Windy app weather

Allegedly, the changes are visible in the image on the left from the app. We observed this thanks to the

Windy app.

Windy is a fantastic weather-tracking app that offers accurate and detailed forecasts not only for regular users but also for professionals like sailors or pilots. With advanced features such as interactive maps, wind streams, and radar images, it's perfect for anyone needing a detailed overview of the weather.

If you don't have Windy yet, it's definitely worth trying. Not only will it help you plan trips or sports activities, but it can also be a key tool for those relying on precise meteorological information every day.

You can watch the video, for example, on Dalmacija Danas.

Sources Dalmacija Danas,, infovodice

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